Category Archives : Listening to God

Why I Don’t Go to the Bible for Answers


I began opening the Bible as a child searching for answers to specific questions. It was like being pelted with words, and not having any sense of the person speaking those words. I sometimes found answers, but more often I left feeling more disconnected and confused. What I didn’t understand then (and keep learning) is […]

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My Fatal Flaw


We all love to hear the story of the perfect baby boy who changed everything. But today I feel compelled to tell you about another baby boy. It’s not a different story really, but part of the same story. I never met him, but he changed my life. Here’s part of his story, in the […]

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All that, for Just One?


My family sold our house, gave away our possessions, and moved to another country to serve trafficked women and girls. The painful reality is that, in spite of our commitment and sacrifice, I only got to pray with one prostitute. A year before our big leap, my husband and I took an exploratory trip to […]

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A New Way of Listening


By guest writer Caitlin Boersma After a month or so of referring to Simon as my foster son on social media, I received an unexpected comment from a Facebook friend: “You shouldn’t call a child you’re caring for your “foster” son. As long as he’s with you he’s your son…Think about how that word would […]

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