Free to Feast

A month thick with celebration is about to culminate in the most joyful eight days of the year. And every time I share my excitement about the Feast of Sukkot, people ask me how long we’ve been celebrating the Jewish Feasts.   It’s a legitimate question. I  admit when we started, I thought that’s what […]

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I Could Have So Easily Missed This


This week we’re preparing for the Feast of Tabernacles (in Hebrew “Sukkot”).   A “Sukkah” (Sukkot is plural) is a temporary dwelling constructed to remind of  the 40 years God’s people spent living in the wilderness, sleeping in tents.  My kids call it the Feast of Tents. Aside from remembering the time in the wilderness, why […]

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Is “Fast Glory” an Oxymoron?

its not about deprivation

What’s the fastest path to experiencing more of God’s glory, and becoming one with Him and like Him? Wait a second. Do “fast” and “glory” even belong in the same sentence?   Actually, yes. When it comes to God’s glory, fasting is the most reliable way to experience more of it. Fasting is not about […]

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