Categories : A Culture of Listening Listening to Each Other Listening to God


Over the last several weeks I’ve shared how you can minimize distractions and make room for more of God’s glory in your life. Many of you have shared how hard it is, especially as moms. No matter how much we do, we feel torn between the things we still haven’t done. And we live in a culture that idolizes Mom, the Superhuman Multi-Tasker.

But there’s increasing evidence that we aren’t good at multitasking after all, and trying to multi-task is harmful. Here’s one article that says,

“…our thinking becomes very quick, but also very shallow…”

Reading that, my heart sank. Doesn’t that sound like so many relationships? So many people’s  experience of God?

I know there aren’t enough hours in your day. And certain things won’t get done if you don’t do them. But as much as I know how it feels to be scattered and frazzled, I also know how it feels to be clear-headed. For me, the biggest difference hasn’t been the number of kids, their ages, or whether or not I was working outside the home.

Giving myself permission to quit multi-tasking gave me my life back.

I have a very active mind, one that’s prone to double-mindedness. When I tolerate double-mindedness in my daily routine, it’s impossible to keep it out of my inner life.  I can’t divide my focus all day long between thirty different tasks, and then expect to focus completely on God.

So here’s my challenge to you (and myself):

Stop trying to multi-task. Give yourself permission to focus and go deep during activities that are relational or require more brain power. As you develop this capacity, you won’t just be more peaceful and more productive. You also develop a greater sense of oneness within yourself.


There’s a glorious God who wants to captivate you, make you one with Him, and make you one like Him. He’s the One you’re searching for. And as you cultivate oneness throughout your life, you can become the one you’ve been searching for too.

hope of glory

In case you missed any of the other posts in this series on God’s glory, you can find them here:


How are you putting these ideas to work and making room for more glory in your life?


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  • Gabriela

    “There’s a glorious God who wants to captivate you, make you one with Him, and make you one like Him. He’s the One you’re searching for. And as you cultivate oneness throughout your life, you can become the one you’ve been searching for too.”

    Beautiful Hannah……truth! My days usually consist of how much I can get accomplished during the day and then expecting God to give me a pat on the back and waiting for the words..”well done”! There however is the delusion, the one the enemy of our souls is uniquely acquainted with. Keeping me/us as busy as possible all under false pretence. Yet I’m/we are left feeling empty, unfulfilled and missing out on His glory. Spiritual disciplines start to take a back seat or worse, squeezed in where there s a gap. We are made for so much more!! Time to once again recalibrate our thinking.
    Trusting our God to lead and settle you where you’re meant to be.❤️

    • mlekallio

      Gabriela, Thank you so much for trusting and praying with us. Blessing to you as you reach for the “more” you were made for!