Categories : Listening to God


Last week I experienced a seemingly trivial disappointment. But it was something I’d prayed for for decades, and we specifically felt God leading us to pursue this final opportunity. When the answer was “no”, it was really “never”.




In everything we’ve been through over the last year, I never cried myself to sleep. Last week I did. Twice.


The whole time I kept asking God to say something. Anything. His answer was unlike anything I’ve ever heard, and it’s important for you to hear.


First, let me set the stage:


It’s approximately 600 BC. You’re standing at the Northern gate of the Temple in Jerusalem. You see women weeping over the death of the Phoenician god Tammuz. They’re worshiping a false god in the courts of the one true God. 


Fast forward.  I cry out for God’s truth about my sorrow, and He says,


“You’re weeping for Tammuz. Stop it.”


I don’t know about you, but I think of idolatry as exotic and distant from my life.  Or as anything I put above obedience to God, aka disobedience.


But we prayed about this opportunity. God prompted us to pursue it. Why would He subject me to heartbreak and accuse me of idol worship when I was obeying?


Here’s what I’m realizing: obedience can become idolatry. Idolatry can be as subtle as clinging to what I thought God was doing, and not embracing what He is doing.


God is comforting me and (maybe more importantly) teaching me how grief is supposed to work. It isn’t wrong to grieve. But when I fixate on what was never true, that fixation becomes false worship.


Tammuz is dead.


In fact, he was never alive.


God is the true, living God. You are His temple. What was alive will live again. What was never alive, and never true, isn’t yours to grieve.


I’ll probably never fully know the “why” of this in my life. But I suspect it’s also for you. And that helps.


The ache is still there. But I’m not grieving without hope anymore. Pain just means there’s more treasure to uncover here in this dark place.


What treasure does God want to give you in exchange for your grief?


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Facebook Comments
  • Mendy Thomas

    Enjoying your comments on IF Equip. Just found your blog! Be blessed in all you do!

    • mlekallio

      Thanks Mendy! Blessings to you as you pursue Spirit and Truth!

  • Kelly Jo

    Just getting back to this after a quick read last week. Still trying to figure out how you can write an album about my story, and now this!! I soo get this. Did we put our obedience on a pedestal too? Probably. More to think about. Some day we can share stories :)

    • mlekallio

      I’d like that Kelly Jo.

  • Philip Drown

    agree completely with your assessment of your experience, Hannah, as well as with the fundamental principle you are articulating. The “idolatries” in the life of a believer are potentially many. The hardest idols to spot are the very ideas and practices that we believe make us more faithful.

    The great deception of religion is that we start down the road of faith and are easily detoured (without even realizing it) onto side roads that seem like they are taking us to the promised land, but lead only to dead ends. It’s very human and common to all. But, among the more Charismatic / Pentecostal (mystical) varieties of believers, the risk is sometimes greater because of the emphasis on being led by God dynamically every day. It can create false expectations of what our lives are supposed to look like, and then drive us to sub-consciously manufacture experiences, as well as the voice of God, in our effort to match up to that false image.

    Apologies for the lengthy comment!

    • mlekallio

      No apology necessary! Your insights are always welcome. I agree that being led dynamically by God every day is a tricky balancing act. We can so easily get swept up in experiences or voices that don’t match God’s word or character.
      But we’re all listening to somebody. Since there’s no “safe” path to walk, I’d rather be led by God and discern incorrectly than let other voices dictate my direction.