Categories : Listening to Each Other Listening to God


A few weeks ago, I wrote about how that thing you say again and again to your kids might be God’s word to you (if you missed it, you can read that here). And today I was asking God about the crushing weight I felt deep in my chest, asking Him what truth I was avoiding, what truth would lift that weight. That’s when I felt these four words emerge.

You need to hear these four words, and someone needs to hear them from you. This might sound strange coming from me, but it needs to be said.  Are you ready?

I’m proud of you.

You sense it deep down when God is proud of you.  And you have people in your life who are proud of you without saying so.  But sometimes we need someone it out loud, straight into our circumstances.

I’m proud of the fresh ways you’re being the church together.  I’m proud of how you’re making the Kingdom tangible where you live. I’m proud that you’re daring to listen, and daring to act on what you hear from God.

not perfect,I’m proud, but not in the sense that I take credit for any of it.  I mean it in the sense that I’m thankful we’re part of the same body, the same family.  Not perfect, but being perfected.

You can be an agent of healing simply by asking God, “Who needs to hear that I’m proud of them?“.  Tell them out loud (preferably in person) why you’re proud of them.  I’m not asking you to casually throw it around. You can afford to be generous with these four precious words.

I dare you to ask God “What are you most proud of in me?”.  Let the answer surprise you. Then, instead of politely dismissing it, let it sink in.

How does God’s answer change your life?


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Facebook Comments
  • b

    I’ve never even thought it OK to ask God what he is most proud of in me….and I can sense that I don’t want to know the answer…

    Thanks, Hannah

    • mlekallio

      praying that you’ll have the courage to ask, and that the answer will be a pleasant surprise…

  • John Parker

    I’m proud of you and Eric, Hannah, for persevering through Italy and Israel and for getting this great blog out to us.

    • mlekallio

      Thank you. Your encouragement means a lot!