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As parents, we devote a lot of time and energy to protecting our children from harm. But what if what we expose them to is just as (if not more!) important than what we shield them from?

Our family is making a big leap tomorrow, and I’ve been retracing our steps, remembering how God led us here. There are so many relationships and experiences that have led us to this point, but there is one “gateway drug” that stands out as the source of all this. There’s one ingredient that’s present in the life of every person I know who is living an adventure with God.


Listening is the Gateway drug.

When you listen to God’s voice with all that you are, when you listen with the intention to act on what you hear with your whole self,  it’s addictive… in the best possible way.  Parts of you that you thought were dead (or didn’t know existed) come alive.

And contrary to popular belief, when you obey God with your whole self, you don’t lose your identity.  You become more “You” than ever before. Who you are reflects more of him than ever before.

When you listen to the people God has put in your life (especially your immediate family) you begin to see how God is revealing himself through them.  For me, this is one of the most rewarding parts of being a parent.  My kids have taught me so much about God, and about what it means to live a life of faith.

Our family has made listening to God and to each other a priority for six years. God has prompted us to do some fun things (like make improv part of our spiritual formation)  and some hard things (like sell our possessions and move to another country).

Our kids aren’t just along for the ride on our journey of faith.  Three years ago, they sold all their toys to raise money for a well in the developing world.  Last year one of our sons gave all his money to rescue a trafficking victim.  They regularly share prophetic insights that bless and challenge us and other adults in their lives.

I’m not sharing this to brag (God knows I can’t take any credit) but to illustrate the power of early exposure to my favorite gateway drug. All it takes is a few minutes of listening prayer to get them hooked.

By all means protect your kids (from red 40 and MSG). But don’t protect them from the gut-wrenching, breathtaking beauty of life in God.  Expose them to the one addiction that will save their life.

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Facebook Comments
  • Laura Callarman

    Hannah, thanks for these words. I’ve got some friends who are just beginning to explore the realm of listening to God (and teaching their children to listen too) that I’d like to share them with. Many blessings on your travels! Rosten and I are excited about what God is doing among the Kallios and thankful for the faith you exhibit and model to us. Can’t wait to hear about Italy!

    • Hannah Kallio

      Laura, I’d be honored if you’d share, and I’m so thankful for you two.I know God has different (but no less exciting) adventures planned for you.

  • Stephanie Jans

    That’s beautiful Hannah… I love how powerfully God works through us when we listen too. I had a precious conversation with a fellow lymie last night. I decided a week ago I was going to spend less computer time and more time making cards as this is so relaxing and I CAN hear God more. I randomly picked a few people in my life to pray over and share some powerful truths…. I didn’t know but this one particular person really needed to hear those words on the day she got my card. I was so elated that God can use me… little ole me right SMACK DAB in the middle of what appears to be a stuck situation. Going through the motions and trusting God with every weary breath and step I take. Ok… I need to go sit outside now in my chair and “listen.” Love you guys….

    • Hannah Kallio

      What a creative way to build yourself up in the truth and bless someone else at the same time! Love it.