Categories : Listening to God


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Last week I made the case that my testimony is really our testimony. But I heard from readers who still wanted to hear specifically what God had done in my life.


I realized that after telling you what’s broken about the way we usually share testimonies, I should give an example of how to include your listeners and make it about them.


So today I’m telling part of our story (God’s yours, and mine) that happened to me.




Since it’s personal, I decided to share it in my own voice.

And instead of just asking you to listen, I’m including questions to invite you into the story and make it yours.

How else can you help people connect with “your” story?

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Facebook Comments
  • Angela J Herrington

    This I love-Shared on my ministry FB page!

    • mlekallio

      Thanks Angela. I look forward to learning more about the work you’re doing!

  • Jillian Cheek

    Thank you for thinking of sharing your story in this way, Hannah. It was good to hear it in your own voice. Thank you for the inspiration of your obedience, and your testimony to God’s faithfulness.

    • mlekallio

      Thank you Jillian. I felt pretty vulnerable sharing it, because so many people see it as a story of failure. I’m glad you see it as a story of God’s faithfulness (because it is, whether succeed or fail)