Categories : A Culture of Listening


It was one of those (rare) golden family moments.  The sun was shining, the baby was sleeping, and we had a beautiful pond all to ourselves.  I  savored the sight of my husband playing with our kids.   They took turns having him catapult them out of the water.  Whoosh.  Splash. Repeat.

I can’t even remember who shouted it.  But the second one of the boys screamed, “Abba, launch me!” I recognized the power of that statement.

Our kids call my husband“Abba” as a nod to our Israeli heritage.   And when I heard my son say, “Abba, launch me!” I knew it was about more than just the pond and the sunny afternoon.


Have you ever launched a product or service?  Do you dream of launching a non profit, or a ministry?  Maybe you’ve even brought your idea to God and asked him to launch your business, your ministry, or your_________.

Here’s what I realized.  God, your Abba, doesn’t launch any of those things.  He launches people.   It’s how he’s always met needs and solved problems.

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re action oriented.  You see a problem or a need in the world, and you want to be part of the solution.   And it’s SOOOO tempting to come up with a system, a program, or a product and ask God to launch that.

You know why?  Because it’s safe.   If we launch something and it misses the mark, at least we’re still in one piece.  Being hurled into space by the most powerful being in the universe is scary.  But isn’t that what we really want?  The rush, the splash, the delight of playing with our Abba?  Knowing that even though we’re not in control, we’re totally safe?

Asking Abba to launch us is scary.  And messy.  But it’s also consistent with all of redemptive history.  Jesus tells us to pray that the Lord of the Harvest will thrust out workers.  My experience has been that when you ask God to launch workers, you get…launched.

If you have a desire to have more fun and make a bigger splash in the kingdom, identify something in your life that you want God to launch.  How could you take that off the launch pad and put yourself there instead?

I’d love to hear from you:

What do you sense your Abba launching you toward?


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  • Stephanie

    Its funny that this blog is about “launching” as that word “stuck” in my mind for a bit yesterday when I made a statement to someone else that was quite a bit younger about her “launching” into the big world. I thought… when will I get to “launch.” The only launching I do is in brief segments or snippets here and there. I take baby steps over and over to “lauch” something half way resembling Life Coaching.. I have volunteered my time as I am able to partner with young people… I have started a group for CFS/FM for folks dealing with these issues. It ceased for now due to lack of involvement. I have NO problem starting… it’s the sustaining part that does me in. I guess I need to be comfortable and o.k .with where it’s at and not get “anxious” about tomorrow… :-)

    • mlekallio

      You bring up a great point. Launching isn’t enough, we also need to be sustained. The connection between listening and sustaining a God given vision definitely deserves it’s own post.
      For now I want to touch on your question “When will I get to launch?” That’s a powerful question!
      I want to honor the desire behind that question, I believe it pleases God. I hope you’ll take your question directly to him, and examine your definition of “launch” with him as well.

      • Stephanie

        Thanks Hannah… I will certainly sit on that and “wait” for His response. Whatever that takes.. :-)

        • mlekallio

          …and I’m pondering these same questions with respect to my own life…God is doing some deep things in this area. Thanks for being part of it!

  • Anne

    Homeschooling! I thought I was only going to homeschool one child, till I found out the district changed half-day kindergarten to all-day kindergarten. Not what I want for my kids anymore. It was ridiculous for me to be jealous of a teacher – I want to be their teacher.

    • mlekallio

      Homeschooling is a great example! If God weren’t at work launching you into it, it could seem overwhelming. When you get launched a new venture by God, the work you do aligns with him and with your true desires. It may still feel (and be) hard, but it feels right. I commend you for responding to God in this area. You and your family are already on a life-long journey of learning together, and homeschooling can be an extension of that. Let me know how I can support you.

  • Paola

    Love love love this!! And it’s so amazingly beautiful that your children call their dad Abba! I so believe about what you just wrote. I heard a saying sometime ago that goes like this: “Don’t pray if you are not willing to be part of the answer”. Getting involved is messy, risky, nerve wrecking….but a whole lot of fun too! It’s so worth to get out of our comfort zone! :) Thanks for writing this post Hannah! Please keep them coming!

    • Stephanie

      I like this too about Hannah’s entry… I find great comfort in referring to my Papa God as “Abba.” It’s a longing for all of us isn’t it. A deeper longing to be unfettered and amazingly FREE when we are NOT in control. I am such a control freak and it is hard to get out of that “control box.” Great comment about being willing to be part of the answer… God spoke that to me too once and then I got involved with a new food co-op and it’s been great fun.

      • mlekallio

        Stephanie, Thank you for being vulnerable here, and for being part of “the answer” in your community.

    • mlekallio

      Paola, Thanks for the encouragement! I agree about being part of the answer to prayer…with that my challenge is to not take it upon myself, but to observe where my Abba is already at work and join him in that. It’s exciting to see how he’s launching you!

  • Leanne Richards-Williams

    Oh my…Praise God in the highest!…Praise Him in the sanctuary!…Let the people praise him!

    My heart was so warmed by this post Hannah. The Lord is truly revealing Himself through you as you listen to Him….I NEED THAT TOO.

    I have been talking to him all week, going through a flood of thoughts, emotions, questions…because I have been really talking to Him AND perking up my physical and spiritual ears to hear His response.

    Today’s post is one of the responses.

    I have been asking the Lord whether I should launch a non-profit organization to provide basic-computer skills training/virtual business incubator for rural communities…or to promote the Christ-centered living that is totally dependent on God in a radical, authentic, simple and ‘multiplying” way….

    And what I have learned is that I have to put myself out there -rather than my ideas or ambitions, in order to be a change-maker for God.

    I come to realize that the more I speak, the more I think I am getting something done. But the more I listen, the more I get things done…because by listening I get understanding and know what I ought to do.

    Proverbs 3 came to my mind and heart just now. 😀

    Thanks Hannah!…Oh I know the Lord is calling me!

    • mlekallio

      Leanne, Your observation about speaking versus listening is so insightful. It seems that God will use you in both of the arenas that you mentioned, so the real question is: What is he launching you into now? What is he already doing that you can join him in? These aren’t easy questions, but I know your diligence in seeking him will be richly blessed. Thanks for sharing your journey!

      • Leanne Richards-Williams

        Right now God is launching me into radical discipleship in the form of small group Christian friendships/house church…He has been launching me into the idea of taking off all the “clothes” of traditional Christianity and taking a dive into the proverbial sea of people of various backgrounds where I know He will suspend me (keep me from drowning) like He did for Peter who walked on the sea when He kept his eyes on Jesus.

        • mlekallio

          God is launching many people around the world in a similar direction. one of the best resources I’ve seen for house/simple church is: