Welcome! If you’re new here, every week I share an activity to help your family connect with God and each other (more about me here) This week I’ll share how, in less than 10 minutes, you can show every member of your family that they’re seen, understood, and valued. You can take the emotional pulse […]
The Good News is, You Can’t
Once we agree that God exists and wants to communicate with us, there’s one universal question: How can I know that I’m hearing correctly? Rather than give you a false sense of security, I’m going to share the most hopeful insight I’ve heard in several months. You can’t. Don’t get me wrong. There are ways […]
Take back your most Precious Resource. Here’s How:
Over the last few weeks, we’ve examined what it takes to listen to God. The next step is to give him your full attention. For many of us, this is the hardest part. I know God is worthy of my attention, but quieting my mental chatter is still a struggle. What makes it so hard? […]
I Have a Confession to Make…
Last week we talked about the first step in listening to God: confronting our beliefs about communicating with him. As I read the feedback and re-read the post, I felt convicted of a false belief of my own. I said “Listening to God is risky” and I noticed that several people expressed concern about the […]
Why You Probably Shouldn’t be Talking to God in the First Place
When I laid out the core message of this blog , I challenged you to spend 5 minutes a day silent in God’s presence, listening. But most people need to clear a major hurdle first. Many of us have been taught “Prayer is simply talking with God” So that’s what we do. We simply talk. […]
Have You Ever Prayed this Prayer?
It was one of those (rare) golden family moments. The sun was shining, the baby was sleeping, and we had a beautiful pond all to ourselves. I savored the sight of my husband playing with our kids. They took turns having him catapult them out of the water. Whoosh. Splash. Repeat. I can’t even remember […]
The Truth about Entrepreneurship
What does listening have to do with entrepreneurship, anyway? All over the world people are experiencing the connection. I’ll be interviewing some of them, and sharing their stories periodically here on the blog. Here’s one of my favorite examples of how listening sparks innovation across the globe. Once you glimpse what’s possible, you can apply […]
The One Word that Started it All
When I started developing this blog, I realized I had a problem. I felt called to teach believers about listening to God and each other. But listening is a really tough sell. Let’s face it: most people think of listening as a way to pass the time while they’re waiting to talk. So I realized […]
Does this Keep You up at Night?
I’m fascinated by 3 questions. They keep me up at night, and compel me to get out of bed every morning. They drive everything I do. But before I ask them, and invite you to join me in discovering the answers, let me tell you how I got here. I’ve been listening to and obeying […]